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Marble Surface

Why do we do it?

Here at Panoptic Media, we believe that access to real critical thinking is in fact a prerequisite for democratic citizenship.

We aim to offer media that is deep, insightful, and useful, but also readable, relevant, and interesting.

Too often writing that's accessible to the public is overly simplistic, written in bad faith, and takes the reader for a fool. On the other hand; books, reports, and articles written by experts of a topic are usually alienating to the general reader and serve only to perpetuate the notion that there is an inner circle of clever-people who are separate from the rest due to their elite intellect.

Our Philosophy

All text is part of a wider pool. Every word, picture, label, and category we see is a result of a wider social and political context. Ideas are historically contingent.


Concepts like money, class, ethnicity, nationality, freedom; these are important things we have created. Just because they are created does not mean they should not exist. But acknowledging that the world is made up of our own ideas means we have the ability to change it.

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