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Joe Biden- “Vote for Trump”

Joe Biden has become a memeable face over the past year- a YouTube compilation icon. The public watch as clip after clip shows the old democrat stumble through semi-lucid conversational noises with prospective voters, only to erupt into something like, “you should vote for Trump”, when asked a question he doesn’t like.

This has become his gimmick. Of course there is a point where if someone really doesn’t agree with you then it’s probably pointless trying to convince them, no matter how many cameras are on you. Joe doesn’t use this as a last-resort smarmy response though, it’s his go-to comeback to any scrutiny whatsoever. Now it seems this knee-jerk tendency of his, to put his foot down and draw a line where he really didn’t need to, has expanded to the issue of race, and the race-based voter groups commonly discussed in American political discourse; e.i- ‘the black vote’

In much the same way Joe claims to be such an authority on who people should vote for (not him, apparently), so too has he decided to dispense his wisdom on race. His latest ‘gaffe’ saw him shout at an African-American interviewer, “if you don’t know whether you’re for me or trump, then you ain’t black!”

(essentially how it went)

When Americans, black or white, take a look at Biden's voting record and his masterminding of the ‘Crime Bill’, they may have a few concerns about just jumping in with him without some reassurances that he will actually be on their side. They watch as he runs ads of himself fist-bumping Barack Obama to certify his black credentials, but would like a bit of detail on what he’s actually for; why should Americans, particularly black Americans, vote for him besides ‘orange man bad’.

That’s a question Biden clearly cannot answer, on the basis that he hasn’t answered it yet and seemingly has no plans to.

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